domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

What is the word ( by Samuel Beckett )


Samuel Beckett

for Joe Chaikin

folly -
folly for to -
for to -
what is the word -
folly from this -
all this -
folly from all this -
given -
folly given all this -
seeing -
folly seeing all this -
this -
what is the word -
this this -
this this here -
all this this here -
folly given all this -
seeing -
folly seeing all this this here -
for to -
what is the word -
see -
glimpse -
seem to glimpse -
need to seem to glimpse -
folly for to need to seem to glimpse -
what -
what is the word -
and where -
folly for to need to seem to glimpse what where -
where -
what is the word -
there -
over there -
away over there -
afar -
afar away over there -
afaint -
afaint afar away over there what -
what -
what is the word -
seeing all this -
all this this -
all this this here -
folly for to see what -
glimpse -
seem to glimpse -
need to seem to glimpse -
afaint afar away over there what -
folly for to need to seem to glimpse afaint afar away over there what -
what -
what is the word -

what is the word

1 comentario:

  1. copio una entrada y un comentario en uno de los blogs de los que soy seguidora inconsecuente:

    Lo dicho, que todo fue abrir la caja de Pandora. Y allí estaban, esperando que volviera sobre ellos y les diera un digno envoltorio. Por el momento "estamos trabajando en ello" (léase con acento texano y sin mover el labio superior).

    Domestica el andar dulce y manido
    la indeleble salud de los vestigios,
    ni más ni menos que un rito tirado,
    aplaude cada cual a su litigio.

    Domestica el estar lo que hubo estado,
    mala muerte me de esta añoranza,
    sangre helada en tu viento congelado
    que enmudece más de lo que espanta.

    Domestica puta angélica ruína
    de versos ortopédicos, medidos.
    Querer saber es a mis intestinos
    lo que la locura fuera y es a mis estados.

    Domestica, cabrón, pútrida mano
    que escupe contra tí piedras y espinos,
    ávido de mensajes clandestinos,
    suscribo todo lo que me sale del rabo.
    Vomitado por Niuqech Madhatter en 11:42
    2 comentarios:
    Rodolfo Serrano dijo...
    Volveré a menudo. Me ha divertido el soneto. Un saludo

    20 de septiembre de 2009 14:22
    amante del absurdo dijo...
    Este es el peor poema que he leído en mi puta angélica vida.

    What is a word?

    folly -
    folly for to -
    for to -
    what is the word -
    folly from this -
    all this -
    folly from all this -
    given -
    folly given all this -
    seeing -
    folly seeing all this -
    this -
    what is the word -
    this this -
    this this here -
    all this this here -
    folly given all this -
    seeing -
    folly seeing all this this here -
    for to -
    what is the word -
    see -
    glimpse -
    seem to glimpse -
    need to seem to glimpse -
    folly for to need to seem to glimpse -
    what -
    what is the word -
    and where -
    folly for to need to seem to glimpse what where -
    where -
    what is the word -
    there -
    over there -
    away over there -
    afar -
    afar away over there -
    afaint -
    afaint afar away over there what -
    what -
    what is the word -
    seeing all this -
    all this this -
    all this this here -
    folly for to see what -
    glimpse -
    seem to glimpse -
    need to seem to glimpse -
    afaint afar away over there what -
    folly for to need to seem to glimpse afaint afar away over there what -
    what -
    what is the word -

    what is the word


    En mi humilde concepto de estudiante, tendrías que aprender a sonetear del famoso Hidalgo (la página de francisco álvarez), de su eminentísima excelencia don joaquín ramón martínez o de la docta lucía follyno (my teacher) que es, ha sido y será la absurdidad condenada al secreto de las musas.

    Suscribo lo que me SABE del rabo.

    20 de septiembre de 2009 18:05
